- This event has passed.
madres buscando justicia *no olvidamos Ayotzinapa / ayotzi 8 years
September 9, 2022 @ 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm

*english below*
un dia especial
(este 26 de sept 2022 se conmemoran 8 anos de lo acontecido a los estudiantes normalistas de Ayotzinapa, Guerrero
asi que desde este espacio, desde Chicago
honramos la digna lucha de las madres/familias de quienes fueron asesinados esa larga noche;
de Minerva Bello, de Bernardo, Saul y Tomas
padres que murieron en la espera de la verdad y justicia )
convivencia en solidaridad con las mujeres/madres que luchan en busqueda de l@s desaparecid@s en Mexico , por justicia para las hijas victimas de feminicidio
De que se trata?
conversar mientras se crean posters/ linoprints /bordados
Proyectando imagenes /video
de madres en busqueda/ material creado por colectivos en Mexico
Donde? en el @poboxCollective
a special gathering at pobox
(this year, this date 26th september marks 8 years of what happened to the students of Ayotzinapa, Guerrero
so from this space, from Chicago
we honor the dignified struggle of the mothers/families of those who were killed that long night; those who were disappeared
as well we remember
Minerva Bello, Bernardo, Saul and Tomas
parents who died in the hope of truth and justice for their sons.
sharing time with you
who can attend first fridays of each month –
in solidarity with mothers who are in search of their sons/daughters who has disappeared in Mexico ,
justice for their daughters, sisters [ femicide victims]
come to create
posters/prints, writting words of support, embroidering names or coloring linoprints
we will screen images/video /
bring any ideas to create art together