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Event Series:
madres buscando ~ solidarity action w mothers with missing sons/daughters/sisters in Mexico
madres buscando ~ solidarity action w mothers with missing sons/daughters/sisters in Mexico
July 1, 2022 @ 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

*english below*
Acto solidario con las madres que luchan en busqueda de l@s desaparecid@s en Mexico
Proyectando imagenes /video
mientras imprimimos grabado/coloreamos, conversamos
Donde? en el @poboxCollective
Solidarity action with mothers in search of their sons/daughters who have disappeared in Mexico, by the government or otherwise.
We will screen images/video of them while we make prints, color them, and have a conversation about what this all means.
Presented by ProtestArte Proyecto Chi
This is a First Friday monthly event.