
Movie Night! ~ The Janes

In the spring of 1972, police raided an apartment on the South Side of Chicago where seven women who were part of a clandestine network were arrested and charged. Using code names, fronts, and safe houses to protect themselves and their work, the accused had built an underground service for women seeking safe, affordable, illegal abortions. They called themselves “Jane.”

Directed by Oscar-nominee Tia Lessin (HBO’s Trouble the Water) and Emmy-nominee Emma Pildes (HBO’s Jane Fonda in Five Acts), The Janes offers first-hand accounts from the women at the center of the group, many speaking on the record for the first time.

The Janes tells the story of a group of unlikely outlaws. Defying the state legislature that outlawed abortion, the Catholic Church that condemned it, and the Chicago Mob that was profiting from it, the members of Jane risked their personal and professional lives to help women in need. In the pre-Roe v. Wade era –– a time when abortion was a crime in most states and even circulating information about abortion was a felony in Illinois –– the Janes provided low-cost and free abortions to an estimated 11,000 women.

Movie Night! ~ Make a Distinction/ Q+A with filmmakers!

MAKE A DISTINCTION is a hybrid nonfiction feature that maps unseen forces of US imperialism through ostensibly disconnected aspects of daily life. If you can’t name the enemy, do you become it?

Anarchist Media Fest and Skill Share begins at 6pm.
Books and zines for sale, trade, and free.
Skill Shares: Solar Generator demo, Soil Science, and Mushroom Cultivation.

Film screenings begin at 8PM.
-Two short docs in English and Spanish
-Make a Distinction (feature length film) followed by discussion with filmmakers.


Convergence 2022 – Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education

Convergence is CAPE’s annual exhibition of student artwork created in arts-integrated processes that expand academic learning. With over 40 classrooms represented, Convergence 2022 celebrates the creativity of the young artists and the teacher–teaching artist collaborations.

CAPE’s Northside schools’ exhibition explores identity, community, and urban space at PO Box Collective. Rogers Fine Arts students created illustrated poems that investigate their sense of self and identity. Boone Elementary students transferred ideas about balance and interdependence in social frameworks parallel to their study of ecosystems found in the rainforest: creating masks to examine social constructs in daily interactions with family, friends, enemies, pets, school, and community. Goudy students built a cardboard city to explore urban planning and engineering to visualize what a city could look like from Kindergarten’ through 3rd graders’ perspectives

madres buscando ~ solidarity action w mothers with missing sons/daughters/sisters in Mexico

*english below*
Acto solidario con las madres que luchan en busqueda de l@s desaparecid@s en Mexico
Proyectando imagenes /video
mientras imprimimos grabado/coloreamos, conversamos
Donde? en el @poboxCollective

Solidarity action with mothers in search of their sons/daughters who have disappeared in Mexico, by the government or otherwise.
We will screen images/video of them while we make prints, color them, and have a conversation about what this all means.

Presented by ProtestArte Proyecto Chi

This is a First Friday monthly event.

madres buscando ~ solidarity action w mothers with missing sons/daughters/sisters in Mexico

*english below*
Acto solidario con las madres que luchan en busqueda de l@s desaparecid@s en Mexico
Proyectando imagenes /video
mientras imprimimos grabado/coloreamos, conversamos
Donde? en el @poboxCollective

Solidarity action with mothers in search of their sons/daughters who have disappeared in Mexico, by the government or otherwise.
We will screen images/video of them while we make prints, color them, and have a conversation about what this all means.

Presented by ProtestArte Proyecto Chi

This is a First Friday monthly event.

madres buscando ~ solidarity action w mothers with missing sons/daughters/sisters in Mexico

*english below*
Acto solidario con las madres que luchan en busqueda de l@s desaparecid@s en Mexico
Proyectando imagenes /video
mientras imprimimos grabado/coloreamos, conversamos
Donde? en el @poboxCollective

Solidarity action with mothers in search of their sons/daughters who have disappeared in Mexico, by the government or otherwise.
We will screen images/video of them while we make prints, color them, and have a conversation about what this all means.

Presented by ProtestArte Proyecto Chi

This is a First Friday monthly event.

PO Box Poetry Reading Series

This is the third event in our new PO Box Poetry Reading Series.

Featured poets include Atena Danner, Stefania Gomez, and Isaac Ginsberg Miller.

Poet bios to follow.

The Crowded Table Workshops: May 15 + 22, 3-6pm

Please join us for a two-session workshop with artist-in-residence Jessica Mueller to create your own family tablecloth and/or contribute to the PO Box community tablecloth. These tablecloths will aim to capture the spirit of what the dinner table means to you. Feel free to bring a tablecloth of your choice to work with. We will be screen printing, embroidering and drawing.

Attendance is required at both workshops to allow enough time to complete your tablecloth. To maintain a comfortable and safe environment, the workshop is limited to 15 participants. Pre-registration is required.

Register here.

The Crowded Table Workshops: May 15 + 22, 3-6pm

Please join us for a two-session workshop with artist-in-residence Jessica Mueller to create your own family tablecloth and/or contribute to the PO Box community tablecloth. These tablecloths will aim to capture the spirit of what the dinner table means to you. Feel free to bring a tablecloth of your choice to work with. We will be screen printing, embroidering and drawing.

Attendance is required at both workshops to allow enough time to complete your tablecloth. To maintain a comfortable and safe environment, the workshop is limited to 15 participants. Pre-registration is required.

Register here.