
Legacy of 911: Educator Training

The Legacy of 9/11: Educator training for 1st-12th grade adaptable curriculum

Event by American Friends Service Committee–Chicago and PO Box Collective

World events have a lasting impact on international and national policies, communities, and the daily lives of individuals. As we approach the 20th anniversary of 9/11 and War on Terror policies, please join us for an interactive training on how to use a new 50 minute adaptable 6-12th grade curriculum aligned to Common Core.
Our facilitation team consists of Chicago Public School educators, scholars and organizers: Hafsa Siddiqui, August Hastings, Aliah Ajamoughli, and Mary Zerkel.
By the end of the lesson students will know:
– The “War on Terror” and subsequent rhetoric has led to increased fear and unconstitutional policies
– Mainstream news media outlets help construct/ perpetuate the narrative that Muslims are violent, backwards and oppressed
– Racialization and stereotyping of the Muslim identity has caused non-Muslim groups (like Sikhs, Arab Christians, etc.) to experience anti-Muslim racism as well.

Solidarity with Line 3 – Screening!

We will be showing the 38 minute documentary: Line 3: 7 Teachings of the Anishinaabe.

We will also have supplies to write letters to currently imprisoned water protectors and others.

There will be discussion after the film, updates about Line 3 resistance, and collection of donations to support those on the frontlines.